Saturday, June 25, 2011


James and Alisa lovely home developed a serious defect in a major beam running the full length of the house in the basement as built by contractor who unwisely used a main support of insufficient strength. All houses in the area same defect. Kitchen floors bouncy and walls pulling away from foundation.

James contacted contractor. Sure, can do. $12,000.
James contacted architect for new plans.

James also contacted a custom building iron company and arranged for two I beams, one was 18 feet long and the second was 9 feet in length. Okay so far.

Drilled partial hole into west foundation
and drilled hole entirely through east foundation. Poured a concrete
slab foot square and 6 inches (?) deep for central support.
With jack in place raised floor and walls back to original position.

Below is the eastern hole in foundation where some six friends
slide the HEAVY eighteen foot support beam through the foundation on some small PVC rollers ala the stones in the ancient Egyptian pyramids)

Total cost of beams, lifts, architect: $3000 Cost of friend- $0 Total construction time: three days. James lots of smiling and offers for similar jobs from neighbors. Boys now use outdoor trampoline and not kitchen floor. Way to go Jamer. Thanks Katherine for Blog instructions.
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