Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Turkey Part 3

Dolmabache:  Beautiful Palace of last Sultan now the presidential building.    

Grand Staircase 

VIP Reception Hall

Note Date

The Serpent Column

The Millennial Post. A Roman custom to measure all distances in Turkey from this post in Istanbul (Originally Constantinople.)

Sculptured head upside down on bottom of a column in reservoir. Really.

Conservative colors

Class Outing, Smile

Haggai Sofia

Roman Catholic Cathedral to Islamic Mosque to Museum - HUGE

Mosaics from early Christian period were

painted over during Ottoman Empire. Some restoration proceeding.

Sculpture Honoring Kemil Ataturk, Father of Modern Turkey

We found the top half of these ladies at another shop.

Vendors everywhere. Above is underground between
two major bus lines.

Above and below is the Spice Market


Meditation by Whirling Dervish

 Date on NEW Mosque

Arches and cupola Ccollide

Evening Comes to Blue Mosque

Buy My Bird Seed? I Think.

Mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent

Ablutions Before Prayer

John Knows the Drill

One Heavy Load

Lots of Manpower


On The Way to Circumcision Party 
MINE? ? ? ? ?! ! !  Oh NO

New Ways for the Old

Aqueduct of Valens

Resurrection or Reincarnation?

Pixie Kickers

Bazaar 1461 A.D.

4000 Shops

Afternoon Cruise on the Bosporus

Tour Boats Humongous

Most Expensive Real Estate in Turkey

Upscale Transportation  but John and I mostly walked.

For Example: We walked from Europe to Asia three times one day.
I was bushed. Galena Bridge. It was lined with nice restaurants on
the lower level.